MDL-4000 Digital TV Microwave link
We have the following
microwave equipment available:
Fixed links for band 2 GHz to
39.5 GHz
Mobile link for band
2 GHz to 14 GHz in configuration simplex or duplex - tripod mounted
QPSK, 16-64-128 QAM Modulation schemes
Simplex or duplex configuration (up
to 3 tx +3 rx on the same antenna)
Indoor and Outdoor
configuration fixed links
Portable camera link
purposes microwave links
MPEG-2 Encoders and Multiplexers
Output power
depending on band from 50 mW up to 20 W and more
In our products program you
will find both
High end equipment and economical equipment.
Upon your specific request we will suggest you the right configuration and the
type of the equipment.
By using the QPSK Modulator and Demodulator
you can transmit one digital bouqet over the existing
analogue microwave link.
This page is still under construction
